Official website for the European Skimboarding Cup. Current ranking, previous ranks, judging rules, upcoming competitions, contact.

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2024 Contest Rank

Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Women

1 Agata Opora 56 Poland Seventyone
2 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 52 Poland
3 Lydia Blanke 40 Ireland DB Skimboards
4 Gaba Kulka 18 Poland
5 Lisa Heusler 18 Switzerland
6 Isabelle Moschüring 16 Germany SLICK Skimboards
7 Joanna Szczuraszek 16 Poland
8 Katharina Siekmann 14 Germany

U16 - Boys & Girls

1 Jakub Zochowski 20 Germany Jucker Hawaii
2 Jan Szczuraszek 20 Poland Seventyone
3 Julian Kulczyk 18 Poland
4 Mats Mühlemann 18 Switzerland
5 Juan Droguett 16 Switzerland
6 Felix Gerig 16 Germany
7 Kacper Ciupek 14 Poland
8 Louis Seifert 14 Switzerland
9 Henrik Roesner 12 Germany
10 Stjen Walliser 12 Switzerland
11 Hugo Söndgerath 10 Germany
12 Ruben Walliser 10 Switzerland
13 Nico Huber 8 Switzerland
14 Luuk Mühlemann 6 Switzerland
15 Luan Havaalko 4 Switzerland
16 Mathis Anthamatten 2 Switzerland
17 Matteo Zehnder 0 Switzerland

Pro Men

1 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 54 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
2 Michał Szczuraszek 48 Poland Seventyone
3 Semjon Szillat 40 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
4 Mike Uijt de Haag 28 Netherlands
5 Michał Kopka 26 Poland
6 Daniel Sikorski 20 Poland Konar Pro
7 Max van Leeuwen 20 Netherlands GoZone Skimboards
8 Jan Witczak 20 Poland Seventyone
9 Daan Vande Ghinste 18 Belgium DB Skimboards
10 Jan Szczuraszek 18 Poland Seventyone
11 Dawid Dmochowski 18 Poland
12 Manuel Cerro 14 Switzerland
13 Gino Durrer 12 Switzerland Seventyone UNIK Skimboard
14 Grzegorz Kuta 10 Poland DB Skimboards
15 Aaron Mroz 10 Switzerland
16 Scott Fozard 10 United Kingdom
17 Tomek Adamski 8 Poland Seventyone
18 Leo v. Gemmern 6 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
19 Michal Ambruszkiewicz 4 Poland Seventyone
20 Felix Gerig 4 Germany
21 Jan Tomaszewski 2 Poland
22 Patryk Jaszczuk 2 Poland
23 Tobias de Jong 0 Netherlands
24 Nick Dewenter 0 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
25 Simon Gall 0 Germany
26 Tino Wienen 0 Germany
27 Theo Söndgerath 0 Germany
Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Women

1 Lydia Blanke 20 Ireland DB Skimboards
2 Agata Opora 18 Poland Seventyone
3 Isabelle Moschüring 16 Germany SLICK Skimboards
4 Katharina Siekmann 14 Germany
5 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 12 Poland

U16 - Boys & Girls

1 Jakub Zochowski 20 Germany Jucker Hawaii
2 Julian Kulczyk 18 Poland
3 Felix Gerig 16 Germany
4 Kacper Ciupek 14 Poland
5 Henrik Roesner 12 Germany
6 Hugo Söndgerath 10 Germany

Pro Men

1 Semjon Szillat 20 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
2 Mike Uijt de Haag 18 Netherlands
3 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 16 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
4 Michał Kopka 14 Poland
5 Michał Szczuraszek 12 Poland Seventyone
6 Daan Vande Ghinste 10 Belgium DB Skimboards
7 Max van Leeuwen 8 Netherlands GoZone Skimboards
8 Leo v. Gemmern 6 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
9 Scott Fozard 4 United Kingdom
10 Patryk Jaszczuk 2 Poland
11 Tobias de Jong 0 Netherlands


Willkommen in der Saison 2024!! 

Der Contest findet wie gewohnt am zweiten Samstag der Messe statt.

Ihr könnt euch auf der Boot in 3 Kategorien einschreiben.

Groms bis 16 Jahre         unter mit Namen und Maiadresse

Girls von 8 - 99 Jahren -     unter mit Namen und Mailadresse

ab 16 Jahren - Pro                                    wie gewohnt unter

Anmeldeschluss ist der 15. Januar 2023

Für alle verbindlich angemeldeten Fahrer unter 16 Jahren erhaltet ihr über die o.g. Adresse QR Codes für euch!

der genaue Timetable wird zeitnah nachgereicht.

Der Contest wird durch @skimzone_germany für den euroskimcup organisiert.

Welcome to the season 2023 !!

 The contest will take place as usual on the second Saturday of the fair.

 You can register for the  boot in 3 categories. 

Groms up to the age of 16 -  at with name and mail adress

 Girls from 8 - 99 years - under with name and mail adress

 from 16 years - Pro as usual under

 Registration deadline is January 15th, 2023

For all legally registered drivers under the age of 16, you will receive information on the o.g. Address QR Codes for you!

 the exact timetable will be submitted soon. The contest is organized by @skimzone_germany @ for the euroskimcup.


Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Men

1 Daniel Sikorski 20 Poland Konar Pro
2 Dawid Dmochowski 18 Poland
3 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 16 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
4 Michał Szczuraszek 14 Poland Seventyone
5 Michał Kopka 12 Poland
6 Grzegorz Kuta 10 Poland DB Skimboards
7 Tomek Adamski 8 Poland Seventyone
8 Jan Witczak 6 Poland Seventyone
9 Michal Ambruszkiewicz 4 Poland Seventyone
10 Jan Tomaszewski 2 Poland

Pro Women

1 Agata Opora 20 Poland Seventyone
2 Gaba Kulka 18 Poland
3 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 16 Poland



August 1-3

Broczyno 76, 78-553 Czaplinek, Poland

 🏄 3 skimboarding tracks - two tracks available to festival goers under the supervision of professional instructors throughout Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

 👉 Prorider showcases and best tricks – every day!

 🔊 Live music – every day at the end of the activity, played by a DJ.

 🏆 On SATURDAY (August 3), the next edition of the largest skimboard competition in Europe starts - RED BULL SKIM IT.

🏆 Participation in the competition is free of charge.

🏆 The condition for taking part is the age of 18.

🏆 Rides over several different obstacle configurations at a specific time.  In the semi-finals, there are 1 on 1 battles. The final is based on the rules of the skateboard game SKATE - challenges for the most difficult tricks, and the losers collect letters from the name SKIM IT.

Registration information coming soon!

Find more info on fb event 👉

Come, test yourself and have a great time with us at the most beautiful festival in Poland!  💦🎶

Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Women

1 Lydia Blanke 20 Ireland DB Skimboards
2 Agata Opora 18 Poland Seventyone
3 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 16 Poland

Pro Men

1 Semjon Szillat 20 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
2 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 18 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
3 Michał Szczuraszek 16 Poland Seventyone
4 Jan Witczak 14 Poland Seventyone
5 Gino Durrer 12 Switzerland Seventyone UNIK Skimboard
6 Mike Uijt de Haag 10 Netherlands
7 Daan Vande Ghinste 8 Belgium DB Skimboards
8 Scott Fozard 6 United Kingdom
9 Felix Gerig 4 Germany
10 Jan Szczuraszek 2 Poland Seventyone


Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Men

Gino Durrer Switzerland Seventyone UNIK Skimboard
1 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 20 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
2 Michał Szczuraszek 18 Poland Seventyone
3 Jan Szczuraszek 16 Poland Seventyone
4 Manuel Cerro 14 Switzerland
5 Max van Leeuwen 12 Netherlands GoZone Skimboards
6 Aaron Mroz 10 Switzerland

Pro Women

1 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 20 Poland
2 Lisa Heusler 18 Switzerland
3 Joanna Szczuraszek 16 Poland

U16 - Boys & Girls

1 Jan Szczuraszek 20 Poland Seventyone
2 Mats Mühlemann 18 Switzerland
3 Juan Droguett 16 Switzerland
4 Louis Seifert 14 Switzerland
5 Stjen Walliser 12 Switzerland
6 Ruben Walliser 10 Switzerland
7 Nico Huber 8 Switzerland
8 Luuk Mühlemann 6 Switzerland
9 Luan Havaalko 4 Switzerland
10 Mathis Anthamatten 2 Switzerland
11 Matteo Zehnder 0 Switzerland


The Swiss Skimboarding Open is already entering its third round! On August 17, 2024, the national and international elite will meet for a unique contest in the heart of Bern.

  •  Only skimboarding event in Switzerland
  •  Official Swiss Championship
  •  Official tour stop and part of the European Skimboarding Cup
  •  Competition format with five categories (Pro Men, Pro Women, Pro U16, Open, Open Teens)
  •  Open pool sessions for everyone
  • Afterparty :)


Die Swiss Skimboarding Open gehen bereits in die dritte Runde! Am 17. August 2024 trifft sich die nationale und internationale Elite zu einem einzigartigen Contest im Herzen von Bern.
  • Einziger Skimboardevent in der Schweiz
  • Offizielle Schweizermeisterschaft
  • Offizieller Tourstopp und Teil des European Skimboarding Cup
  • Wettkampfformat mit fünf Kategorien (Pro Men, Pro Women, Pro U16, Open, Open Teens)
  • Open Pool Sessions für alle
  • Afterparty :)